Coaching is a collaborative and transformative experience.
We also offer technical assistance and workforce development services.
Individual Coaching
Build confidence in your path
A coach's role is to help you identify needs and options while supporting you in your action plan. Whether it’s supervising reports, managing up to leadership, or contemplating career change, together we can hone in on your strengths, identify additional support tools, and build confidence in your path. Our coaching services typically last a six-month period and 12 coaching sessions, which include:
Initial Consultation
Discovery Questionnaire
Sign Coaching Agreement
Coaching Part I: Months 1-4
Coaching Part II: Months 4-5
Add on: 360 review
Team Strength Assessment
Coaching for the whole team
We can help optimize your team's strengths by assessing team members individual skills and how they translate them into strengths. After we speak individually with team members, we will come together as a whole to discuss each others strengths and who they can best be promoted in service of your mission.